Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast

Episode 174 | Help! My Marriage Is On FIRE!

Travis Rosinger and Dawn Rosinger
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00:00 | 24:28

Someone forgets to empty the dishwasher or a disagreement breaks out over where to go out to eat and suddenly the "moment" turns into a fight that ends in threats of divorce. Can you feel the heat of a marriage that is on fire, a marriage that is ablaze with conflict and unmet expectations? How can seemingly healthy marriages allow a little spark of conflict to burn their house and their marriage down? What about you? Is your marriage on fire?

Join host, Travis and Dawn Rosinger, as they share a step by step process of how to be a first responder to your own marriage and put the fire of conflict and dissatisfaction out! Whether your marriage is actually on fire right now with the heat of disagreement or you know that it could ignite in your future, this is an episode for you and your spouse, an episode for healthy marriages and struggling marriages alike! Don't miss this one!!

Travis and Dawn Rosinger are the Loving The Fight Marriage Podcast Hosts and Authors of the books, Verbalosity - 7 Steps to a Verbally Generous and More Fulfilling Marriage and their newest book, Gripping -  What Matters Most | A Life and Relationships That Hold on to You

For more information about Travis and Dawn Rosinger go to Loving The Fight